1916 Rising Podcast

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

1916 Rising Podcast

You are going to listen to the story of an important week in Irish history. Listen and choose the correct answer. (remember you can listen as often as you like and you can use the pause button).

Click on this link to listen:

Podcast.net Player

1. What anniversary is it?

1) 19th. 2) 29th. 3) 90th.

2. Areas of the city became . .

1) celebrated 2) isolated 3) regulated

3. The centre of liberation activities was.

1) GPO 2) Croke Park 3) Liberty Hall

4. The Irish Volunteers received guns at

1) Howth 2) Bray 3) Wexford

5. Eoin McNeil, founder of the Irish Volunteers (IV), was History Professor at

1) TCD 2) UCC 3) TCD

6. The Irish Republican Brotherhood decided to

1) cancel the Rising 2) go ahead with the Rising 3) finish the rising

7. The rebels gathered in old Liberty hall on

1) Easter Sunday 2) Easter Saturday 3) Easter Monday

8. Liberty Hall was bulit in

1) 1912 2) 1920 3) 1913

9. The Irish Citizens Army (ICA) was founded to give workers

1) election 2) rejection 3) protection

10. The number of ICA that gathered on Easter Monday was

1) 500 2) 200 3) 300

11. The rebels decided that the outbreak would happen around

1) 12 noon 2) 2 in the afternoon 3) under the moon

12. At 12 o’clock the contingent left Liberty Hall and marched into

1) Dame st 2) Parnell st 3) O’Connell st

13. The GPO was strategic because it had

1) a telegraph office 2) a photograph office 3) a phonograph office

14. The weather was

1) windy 2) rain 3) fine

15. Liberty Hall was fired upon by the British Gunboat called

1) The Belga 2) Trafalgar 3) The Helga

16. The GPO, O’Connell st and Abbey st were reduced to

1) trouble 2) bubble 3) rubble

17. The GPO had been restored in

1) March 2) April 3) May

18. The unarmed British garrison numbered

1) 4000 2) 900 3) 400

19. The Tricolour Irish flag put on top of the GPO was a present from

1) France 2) Spain 3) Italy

20. When Pearse read the Proclamation he was listened to by

1) a huge crowd 2) a small crowd 3) nobody

21. During the GPO siege some looters were

1) killed 2) questioned 3) released

22. The shelling started on the GPO on

1) Wednesday 2) Monday 3) Friday

23. After the rebels left the burning GPO on Friday afternoon, the number of the house on Moore st. they went to was

1) 18 2) 13 3)16

24. The rebels saw dead bodies of

1) ordinary civilians 2) British soldiers 3) Irish soldiers

25. They decided to surrender and this person was sent to the barricades at the end of Moore st.

1) a civilian 2) a nurse 3) a soldier

26. A dying O’Rahilly wrote a letter to his

1) wife 2) mother 3) brother

27. This statue is full of bullet holes

1) Parnell 2) Larkin 3) O’Connell

28. By Friday the number of British troops in Trinity College were

1) 400 2) 4000 3) 40,000

29. Failure by the rebels to capture Trinity college was one of their biggest

1) mistakes 2) escapes 3) breaks